The Testimony
The plot thickens to kill Jesus as the Passover draws near. Passover celebrated the Jewish exodus from Egypt and their freedom. So they would come from all over to Jerusalem to celebrate because the temple was there. This annual celebration commemorated the original Passover when the Angel of the Lord passed over the homes of those who marked their doorposts with lamb's blood. The Passover lamb is a substitute for the firstborn, and without the lamb's death and the spreading of its blood, families would lose their firstborn.— If you are a new believer, let me just say this upfront— Jesus is the Passover Lamb. SO THIS PASSOVER AND THIS PASSOVER LAMB WAS WHAT ALL THE OTHER PASSOVER CELEBRATIONS IN THE PAST POINTED TO. We don’t know for sure what time of year Christmas was, but we know the crucifixion of Christ was in the spring…at this time because He is the Passover Lamb. And God had given Israel specific instructions in Exodus 12 about the Passover.